Certificate of Satisfactory Execution for successful executed construction of Mariam Wonze, Shekila Afer Site/ River and Riversides Development project Addis Ababa Gulele Sub City comprising, gabion, masonry and landscape works.

Successful execution of the construction of Anjelelo Gonosa Multi- village Water Supply Project in Oromia, West Arsi Zone, Gadeb Hasasa Woreda

  • Letter of recommendation for completion of the project, Shabe Town Water Supply Project, Shabe Sombo Woreda of Jimma Zone, Oromia Region
  • Recommendation for Satisfactory Execution, as a prime contractor on the civil works construction and supply and installation of pipes of fittings of Kake Town Water Supply Project in Kellem Wollega Zone, Oromia Region
  • Recommendation letter of satisfactory construction and supply and installation of Pipes and fittings of Yubdo Town Water Supply Project in West Wollega Zone, Oronia Region
  • Letter of appreciation, primary contractor on the construction and on the successful accomplishment of 200m3 reservoir project at Laga Tafo Lega Dadi Town, Oromia Region in 2013G.C
  • Letter of Satisfactory Execution, Dre Gola Dhertu and Bada Gebabe Water Supply projects as a prime contractor in Ada’a Woreda of East Shoa Zone, Oromia Region
  • Certificate of Satisfactory Execution as a prime contractor on the construction of Burayu City Administration Stadium Fence Construction project, in Burayu town, Oromia
  • Recommendation for construction of Koraty Weseno Small Scale Irrigation project, Toke Kutaye Wereda West Showa Zone, Oromia Regional State.
  • Certificate of Appreciation for construction works of modern irrigation system in Ambo Woreda Bekoji Bilona Qiba Kube G/Association in short period of time.